Have you ever realised that all the gold on planet Earth has been formed in the depth of the neutron stars? Billions of years have passed, before the atoms of gold got to Earth, having travelled trillions of miles. And now we hold a piece of gold in our hands, and start to create a piece of art. Behind our shoulders there are billions years of human evolution as well as over 800 years of our personnel experience, perfection and mastering of jewelry creation. Just remind yourself of these fascinating facts, when you hold our jewelry in your hands.
— Dmitrii Galkin, CEO
We get to work with amazing customers that come up with extraordinary ideas, but behind each idea there is an enormous amount of our knowledge, technology and aesthetic views. By using new materials, looking for new and unique technologies, finding inimitable gems, we do everything we are capable of and beyond to ensure that once our client got their creation, they would experience the real joy.
— Elena Tolchennikova, Founder
Straightforward way? No... It’s not about us. Why do something easy and quick when you can make it difficult and slow? And not because we do not love easy and quick. But because you come to us with the ideas that are neither easy nor quick to implement. But we love you as you are and are waiting for any ideas.
— Timofey Galkin, COO